Portage Git Mirror

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Setting up local git mirror

This tutorial explains how to save bandwidth when several local computers need to pull updates from a single remote git repository.

Use case

This tutorial will be about hosting a local mirror of funtoo git based portage tree.

Following terms should be adapted

Terms Definition
git.lan The git-daemon local mirror host
localhost Any local host
nobody Owner user of .git files
/home/git-mirrors Base path of git-daemon

Local mirror

Git-daemon configuration

Prepare directories and clone portage-mini from github::

root # mkdir /home/git-mirrors
root # chown nobody /home/git-mirrors
root # su -s /bin/sh nobody
user $ cd /home/git-mirrors
user $ git clone --mirror --bare git://github.com/funtoo/ports-2012.git portage.git

Configure git-daemon in /etc/conf.d/git-daemon:

root # nano /etc/conf.d/git-daemon
GITDAEMON_OPTS="--syslog --verbose --enable=receive-pack --export-all"
GITDAEMON_OPTS="${GITDAEMON_OPTS} --base-path=/home/git-mirrors /home/git-mirrors"

Start the daemon:

root@git.lan# /etc/init.d/git-daemon start
root@git.lan# rc-update add git-daemon default

Pull from remote

Add the following to /etc/cron.daily/funtoo-sync.sh:

root # nano /etc/cron.daily/funtoo-sync.sh 
root #!/bin/sh
cd /home/git-mirrors/portage.git
su nobody -s "/bin/sh" -c "git fetch --all"

Cloning from local git-daemon

Local clone from git.lan:

root # mv /usr/portage /usr/portage.old
root # git clone git://git.lan/portage.git /usr/portage
root # cd /usr/portage
root # git checkout funtoo.org