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Steam is a content delivery system and ecosystem for gaming, developed by Valve Software. It offers hundreds of games, from popular ones such as DOTA 2 to many other less popular and even obscure community games. Steam runs on Microsoft Windows, MacOS, and also Linux.
Steam is a content delivery system and ecosystem for gaming, developed by Valve Software. It offers hundreds of games, from popular ones such as DOTA 2 to many other less popular and even obscure community games. Steam runs on Microsoft Windows, MacOS, and also Linux.

=== History on Funtoo ===
{{warning|Steam Proton support is currently experimental.  You can help improve this! {{bug|FL-8521}} }}
Through Funtoo Linux 1.2, it was possible to play Steam directly under Funtoo. However, with the move to Funtoo Linux 1.3, 32-bit support was dropped from Funtoo, and Steam is currently dependent on a host of 32-bit libraries. Thus, Steam no longer worked under Funtoo directly. Howevever, it is still possible to run Steam under Funtoo via use of containerization technology, but much of the setup was left to users to figure out. Now, not only is Steam supported, but we now have officially-tested Docker images to allow you to do this easily. Currently we have just an NVIDIA docker image, but this is actually the more challenging one to build and one for Open Source graphics will be appearing shortly.
Funtoo's official Steam container for use with NVIDIA graphics is based on Ubuntu 18, since Steam and Ubuntu have an unholy alliance and this is the officially-supported platform for Steam. That's fine -- we can still run Steam on Ubuntu -- on Funtoo!
The base Ubuntu container image upon which our container is an official Ubuntu container from NVIDIA Corporation and has been configured to work perfectly with container GPU acceleration and libglvnd.
=== Steam in Docker ===
{{Note|This page will currently document the setup of Steam running on NVIDIA hardware, with documentation for non-NVIDIA hardware to follow shortly.}}
To run Steam on NVIDIA GPUs, you must meet the following prerequisites:
* You must be using Funtoo Linux 1.4 or later, x86-64bit.
* You must have an NVIDIA graphics card.
* Already have NVIDIA drivers ({{c|x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers}}) installed and a desktop environment running that uses them.
* A regular, non-root user created from which you will be launching Steam.
* PulseAudio working.
If you are using the [https://forums.funtoo.org/topic/3125-gnome-stages-and-lxd-images-now-available/ Funtoo Linux GNOME stage3] as a starting point, you should be in good shape regarding all these requirements.
=== Host Setup ===
To get your host ready to run Steam, emerge the following packages:
# ##i##emerge -av --jobs docker nvidia-container-runtime nvidia-docker
Please ensure that this pulls in {{c|libnvidia-container-bin-1.0.2-r1}} or later.
You will also want to ensure that you have NVIDIA proprietary graphics running in a graphical environment on your host. Please ensure that you have {{c|x11-drivers/nvidia-kernel-modules-435.21-r1}} or later installed on your host, and that you don't have any special permissions settings in {{f|/etc/modprobe.d}} (See the [[#Device Node Permissions|Device Node Permissions]] section below for details.)
Next, you will want to add {{c|docker}} and {{c|nvidia-container}} to your default runlevel:
# ##i##rc-update add docker default
##g##*##!g## service docker added to runlevel default
# ##i##rc-update add nvidia-container default
  ##g##*##!g## nvidia-container added to runlevel default.
# ##i##rc
=== Device Node Permissions ===
If you are using {{c|x11-drivers/nvidia-kernel-modules-435.21-r1}} or later, and have run {{c|etc-update}}, then your device nodes should have correct permissions for GPU acceleration to work:
$ ##i##ls /dev/nvidia* -l
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 195, 254 Oct 23 10:09 ##y##/dev/nvidia-modeset
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 239,  0 Oct 23 10:09 ##y##/dev/nvidia-uvm
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 239,  1 Oct 23 10:09 ##y##/dev/nvidia-uvm-tools
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 195,  0 Oct 23 10:08 ##y##/dev/nvidia0
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 195, 255 Oct 23 10:08 ##y##/dev/nvidiactl
Otherwise, you will need to follow these steps. To allow all local users to access your GPU, not just the {{c|video}} user, by setting {{c|1=NVreg_DeviceFileMode=0666}} in {{f|/etc/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf}} and rebooting.
=== Host Validation ===
With the host and device node permissions set up properly, you should be able to run {{c|nvidia-container-cli info}} as your regular user and see details about your GPU and not receive any error messages:
$ nvidia-container-cli info
NVRM version:  435.21
CUDA version:  10.1
Device Index:  0
Device Minor:  0
Model:          Quadro P400
Brand:          Quadro
GPU UUID:      GPU-9bb98f5f-7d9d-ee0a-64a1-154c46934f45
Bus Location:  00000000:01:00.0
Architecture:  6.1
If you receive an error message, this indicates that your {{c|/dev/nvidia*}} device node permissions are too restrictive or that {{c|/etc/init.d/nvidia-container}} has not been started properly. Try rebooting or restarting Docker to resolve the issue.
=== User Setup ===
When using docker, you will be starting the Steam container as a regular user account so the container can inherit the connection to
your X server. You will want to make sure your user account is in the {{c|docker}} group:
# ##i##gpasswd -a drobbins docker
Adding user drobbins to group docker
You will need to log out and log back in for this group change to take effect.
=== PulseAudio Setup ===
In order to allow the container to connect to PulseAudio, you will of course need to be using PulseAudio, and then you will also need to enable support for UNIX socket connectivity in PulseAudio. This can be done by adding the following to {{f|/etc/pulse/default.pa}}:
load-module module-native-protocol-unix auth-anonymous=1
You should restart your user's pulseaudio daemon for this to take immediate effect:
$ ##i##killall pulseaudio
Once this has been done, you should be able to see a {{c|native}} UNIX socket in the PulseAudio run directory. This socket will get mapped into the container:
$ ##i##ls /run/user/$UID/pulse/
native  pid
=== Docker Container Setup ===
As your regular user, create the following script:
xhost +local:
exec nvidia-docker run \
-ti \
--name steam-nvidia-${USER} \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
-v /dev/shm:/dev/shm \
--privileged \
-v /run/user/${UID}/pulse:/run/user/1000/pulse \
-e PULSE_SERVER=unix:/run/user/1000/pulse/native \
funtoolinux/steam-nvidia-ubuntu18:1.0 \
Now, make the script executable and run it:
$ ##i##chmod +x create-steam.sh
$ ##i##./create-steam.sh
The container should begin to initialize and you should then be placed inside the container, at which point you can perform some quick
tests to ensure that the container is functioning properly.
=== Container Validation ===
To ensure that PulseAudio is functioning properly from within the container, the following command can be run to play back white noise via PulseAudio:
%steam-container% ##i##pacat -vvvv /dev/urandom
To ensure that OpenGL is working properly from within the container, and that the container is properly connecting to your X server, you can run {{c|glxgears}}:
%steam-container% ##i##glxgears
You should see glxgears running in a window on your desktop.

At this point, you can exit the container by pressing Control-D or typing {{c|exit}}. Make a mental note that the container name is {{c|steam-nvidia-yourusername}}, and is specifically configured to be launched by this user and no other.
== Current Supported Options ==

=== Container Operations ===
The current recommended method for running Steam on Funtoo is via use of [[Flatpak]]. The steps for setting this up are listed on the [[Flatpak]] page and will get you up and running with Steam. The Flatpak Steam image is based on Ubuntu 12.

Your container is now running and ready to start Steam. But if you restart your computer in the future (and I know you will), the container will not be running. To start the container, we will create the following script which you can use now to attach to your running container, and also in the future to launch and attach. Remember to run it using the user account you used to create the container:
In the past we have also offered a Docker image for Steam, but this method is no longer officially supported. See [[Steam/Docker]] for details on this image. It actually works very similarly to the Flatpak method, and interested developers may want to play with it or study it. It was missing some things like desktop icon integration. Since it requires a decent amount of work to maintain, and the Flatpak Steam image is actively maintained by others, and works well, Daniel Robbins decided it would be best to just use the Flatpak version as our official method.

While these two options use different technologies, under the hood they are actually quite similar. They both use a containerized version of Ubuntu which contains the SteamOS runtime.
xhost +local:
running="$(docker inspect -f '{{.State.Running}}' steam-nvidia-$USER)"
if [ "$running" == "false" ]; then
    nvidia-docker start steam-nvidia-$USER
    sleep 8
nvidia-docker exec -it steam-nvidia-$USER su steam /usr/games/steam

This script will check to see if the container is running. If not, it will start the container, and then attach the current shell to the container and run {{c|/usr/games/steam}} as the {{c|steam}} user in the container. Use it the typical way:
== History on Funtoo ==

Through Funtoo Linux 1.2, it was possible to play Steam directly under Funtoo. However, with the move to Funtoo Linux 1.3, 32-bit support was dropped from Funtoo, and Steam is currently dependent on a host of 32-bit libraries.  
$ ##i##chmod +x start-steam.sh
$ ##i##./start-steam.sh

You should see a Steam window open almost immediately and start downloading updates, after which point Steam will restart and prompt you to log in.
Thus, Steam no longer worked under Funtoo directly. However, it is still possible to run Steam under Funtoo via use of containerization technology. Initially, much of the setup was left to users to figure out. But now, there are officially supported options for Steam that are easy to set up.

[[Category:Official Documentation]]
[[Category:Official Documentation]]

Latest revision as of 06:11, August 4, 2022


Steam is a content delivery system and ecosystem for gaming, developed by Valve Software. It offers hundreds of games, from popular ones such as DOTA 2 to many other less popular and even obscure community games. Steam runs on Microsoft Windows, MacOS, and also Linux.


Steam Proton support is currently experimental. You can help improve this! FL-8521

Current Supported Options

The current recommended method for running Steam on Funtoo is via use of Flatpak. The steps for setting this up are listed on the Flatpak page and will get you up and running with Steam. The Flatpak Steam image is based on Ubuntu 12.

In the past we have also offered a Docker image for Steam, but this method is no longer officially supported. See Steam/Docker for details on this image. It actually works very similarly to the Flatpak method, and interested developers may want to play with it or study it. It was missing some things like desktop icon integration. Since it requires a decent amount of work to maintain, and the Flatpak Steam image is actively maintained by others, and works well, Daniel Robbins decided it would be best to just use the Flatpak version as our official method.

While these two options use different technologies, under the hood they are actually quite similar. They both use a containerized version of Ubuntu which contains the SteamOS runtime.

History on Funtoo

Through Funtoo Linux 1.2, it was possible to play Steam directly under Funtoo. However, with the move to Funtoo Linux 1.3, 32-bit support was dropped from Funtoo, and Steam is currently dependent on a host of 32-bit libraries.

Thus, Steam no longer worked under Funtoo directly. However, it is still possible to run Steam under Funtoo via use of containerization technology. Initially, much of the setup was left to users to figure out. But now, there are officially supported options for Steam that are easy to set up.