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Revision as of 23:34, September 14, 2014 by Duncan.britton (talk | contribs)
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apache is a powerful web server. apache serves html/css/cgi/pl out of the box, and other languages/frameworks via extensions.

USE Flags



root # emerge apache



Many packages have apache2 use flags, and require them to be supported by apache. Setting a system wide apache2 use flag is a good idea.

   /etc/portage/make.conf - set system wide apache2 useflag
USE="apache2 ..........."


Apache's configuration files are broken up and located in several spots.

  • /etc/conf.d/apache2
  • /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
  • /etc/apache2/modules.d/*
  • /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/*

conf.d controls the init script, adding things to it such as -D SECURITY & -D PHP5 will enable web application fire-walling & the php scripting language.

httpd.conf controls how the server behaves, at the bottom of the file it has directives to include configuration files ending in .conf in /etc/apache2/modules.d & /etc/apache2/vhosts.d


To start apache immediately:

root # rc-service apache2 start

To start apache upon boot:

root # rc-update add apache2


mod_rewrite has a reputation of being difficult to set up. mod_rewrite requires following symlinks & Order allow,deny (apache 2.2) or Require all granted (apache 2.4) is set. To test functionality of mod_rewrite we will need to make a few files.


If you want to test this for web applications such as mediawiki adjust the path to /var/www/localhost/htdocs/mediawiki/.htaccess & so on

   /var/www/localhost/htdocs/.htaccess - enable the rewrite engine
RewriteEngine on 
RewriteRule ^test.html$ rewrite.html
   /var/www/localhost/htdocs/test.html - set system wide apache2 useflag
rewrite is not working
   /var/www/localhost/htdocs/rewrite.html - set system wide apache2 useflag
rewrite is working

Then point your browser @ the text from rewrite.html should be loaded.