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Revision as of 03:15, August 20, 2022 by Siris (talk | contribs) (updating top priorities)
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Home Sweet Home


Check out my recently launched Funtoo Development Blog at for all of my latest technical engineering deep dives into Funtoo Development


I am an enthusiastic Container Infrastructure Engineer, Site Reliability Engineer, Systems Engineer, Penguin Wrangler, Pythonist, Rubyist, GNU Herder, Midgardian, Westerosi, and Child of Ilúvatar.

My passion with Funtoo Linux runs deep as I have been using Gentoo continuously since 2005 and then shortly there after switching to Funtoo Linux.

The expansive and world changing engineering efforts of the Linux Kernel as the largest globally developed software project has and continues to provide daily inspiration to keep hacking, tinkering, and having fun.

Top Priorities

My top Funtoo related development priorities (as of 08/19/2022):

  • Build automated golden Funtoo next arm64 and x86_86 AMIs
    • R&D Large scale arm64 compiling experiments in AWS for Funtoo binary packages
  • Engineer Funtoo Prometheus Exporter v0.1.0 -- FL-9559
  • Prometheus Telemetry including LXD instance metrics for Funtoo Infra
  • Refactor llvm-kit to be metatools friendly -- FL-10073

Current Projects

Official Funtoo Projects I am actively working or participating on:

Wiki Docs

Some different wiki documentation I am actively working on:

Current System

Here are my current Funtoo system's specifications:

pibox #  OS: Funtoo Linux next x86_64
pibox #  Kernel: 5.18.5_p1-debian-sources
pibox #  Packages: 1275 (emerge)
pibox #  Shell: bash 5.1.16
pibox #  Resolution: 3840x2160
pibox #  WM: Enlightenment
pibox #  Theme: Adwaita [GTK2/3]
pibox #  Icons: Adwaita [GTK2/3]
pibox #  Terminal: terminology
pibox #  Terminal Font: Hack Nerd Font Mono
pibox #  CPU: MD Ryzen 9 5950X (32) @ 3.400GHz
pibox #  GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Rev. A
pibox #  Memory: 64197MiB

Some other hardware I actively use for Funtoo Development:

ARM64 Systems

I am currently doing lots of active development and experimenting with various arm64 for Funtoo Linux.

Below is a list of some of the hardware I current own and either run or and working on running Funtoo Linux on

Current Shell

There are so many fun ways to customize your shell on Funtoo Linux.

Here are some Bash customizations that I use on my primary Funtoo system that have evolved over many years and continue to do so. Have fun with them and customizing them even further.


Shell aliases are a great way to supercharge your general workflow and navigation when working in a shell

   .bashrc (Shell source code) - Bash aliases
# Aliases
# General
alias cat='bat -f --paging=never --theme ansi'
alias dsk='df -ahTP'
alias dski='df -ahTPi'
alias e='exit'
alias fxs='declare -f'
alias less='bat  --theme ansi'
alias ll='lsd -alh --group-dirs first'
alias la='lsd -A --group-dirs first'
alias l='lsd -CF --group-dirs first'
alias l1='lsd -1 --group-dirs first'
alias pbcopy='xclip -selection clipboard'
alias pbpaste='xclip -selection clipboard -o'
alias psx='ps auwx | grep $1'
alias rbckt='rsync -avHPn --stats $1 $2'
alias rbck='rsync -avHP --stats $1 $2'
alias rel='source $HOME/.bashrc'
alias tree='lsd --tree'

# Git
alias gadd='git add'
alias gamd='git commit --amend'
alias gbase='git rebase master'
alias gbcn='git branch'
alias gcom='git commit -m'
alias gchk='git checkout'
alias gdif='git diff'
alias gdif1="git log --abbrev-commit --pretty=oneline -1 | cut -d' ' -f1 | xargs git show"
alias gdif2="git log --abbrev-commit --pretty=oneline -1 | awk {'print $1'} | git show | grep diff"
alias gfork='git checkout -b'
alias gig='git status --ignored'
alias glog='git log --abbrev-commit --pretty=oneline'
alias glogs='git log --abbrev-commit --pretty=oneline -10'
alias gnuke='git branch -D'
alias gpll='git pull --rebase'
alias gpush='git push'
alias gref='git reflog -10'
alias gstat='git status'

# Kubectl
alias k='kubectl'
alias kaf='kubectl apply -f'
alias kall='kubectl get all'
alias kc='kubectl create'
alias kcf='kubectl create -f'
alias kcon='kubectl config'
alias kcong='kubectl config get-contexts'
alias kcons='kubectl config set-context'
alias kconu='kubectl config use-context'
alias kd='kubectl describe'
alias kdel='kubectl delete'
alias kdelf='kubectl delete -f'
alias kdn='kubectl describe node'
alias kdp='kubectl describe pod'
alias ke='kubectl edit'
alias kex='kubectl exec -it'
alias kexp='kubectl expose'
alias kg='kubectl get'
alias kgn='kubectl get nodes -o wide'
alias kgp='kubectl get pods -o wide'
alias klog='kubectl logs'
alias klogf='kubectl logs -f'
alias kr='kubectl run'

# Funtoo
alias e='exit'
alias em='sudo emerge -av'
alias e1='sudo emerge -av1'
alias ef='sudo emerge -avf'
alias er='sudo emerge -aC'
alias es='sudo emerge -avuD system'
alias eu='eix -Iuc'
alias ew='sudo emerge -avuD world'
alias epr='sudo emerge -av @preserved-rebuild'
alias ewn='sudo emerge -avuDN world'
alias esyn='sudo /usr/bin/ego sync && sudo /usr/bin/layman -S && sudo /usr/bin/eix-update'


I current use a modified version of the Hack font from the Nerd Fonts project. This is primarily to support rendering of glyphs (icons) natively within your terminal emulator. More specifically to support glyph rendering with the drop in replacement for ls called lsd, that I use in my shell.


Some useful Bash functions used in and out of my shell prompt:

   .bashrc (Shell source code) - Bash functions
# Functions
# Simple alphanumeric password generator
genalpha() {
  local l=$1
  [ "$l" == "" ] && l=20
  tr -dc 'A-Za-z0-9' < /dev/urandom | head -c ${l} | xargs

# Simple random password generator
genrandom() {
  local l=$1
  [ "$l" == "" ] && l=20
  tr -dc 'A-Za-z0-9_!@#$%^&*(),.;[]{}|=+-' < /dev/urandom | head -c ${l} | xargs

# Keychain wrapper
  eval `keychain --eval --agents ssh $1`

# Git Prompt
git_prompt ()
  if ! git rev-parse --git-dir > /dev/null 2>&1; then
    return 0

  git_branch=$(git branch 2>/dev/null | sed -n '/^\*/s/^\* //p')

  if git diff --quiet 2>/dev/null >&2; then

  echo "$git_color[$git_branch]${c_reset}"

# kubectl Kubernetes cluster and namespace context
  context=$(kubectl config get-contexts 2>/dev/null | grep '*' | awk '{print $3,$5}')
  echo "$context"


The shell prompt is arguably one of the most important aspects of the shell as it quickly and concisely display critical information. Here is a custom one that I use:

   .bashrc (Shell source code) - Bash prompt
# Colors

# Prompt
OS_ICON=PROMPT_COMMAND='PS1="\n \[\033[1;34m\]╭─\[\033[0;36m\]\[\033[0;37m\]\[\033[46m\] $OS_ICON \[\033[0;37m\]\[\033[46m\]\u\[\033[0;33m\]\[\033[46m\]@\h \[\033[0m\]\[\033[0;36m\]\[\033[41m\]\[\033[0;31m\]\[\033[41m\]\[\033[0;30m\]\[\033[41m\] \s \V \[\033[0m\]\[\033[0;31m\]\[\033[43m\]\[\033[0;33m\]\[\033[43m\]\[\033[0;30m\]\[\033[43m\]  \t \[\033[0m\]\[\033[0;33m\]\[\033[44m\]\[\033[0;34m\]\[\033[44m\]\[\033[0;30m\]\[\033[44m\]  \W \[\033[0m\]\[\033[0;34m\]\[\033[40m\]\[\033[0;30m\]\[\033[40m\]\[\033[0;37m\]\[\033[40m\]  $(git_prompt) \[\033[0m\]\[\033[0;30m\]\[\033[42m\]\[\033[0;32m\]\[\033[42m\]\[\033[0;30m\]\[\033[42m\]  $(kube_context) \[\033[0m\]\[\033[0;32m\]\[\033[41m\]\[\033[0;31m\]\[\033[41m\]\[\033[0;30m\]\[\033[41m\] \# \[\033[0m\]\[\033[0;31m\]\n \[\033[1;34m\]╰ \[\033[1;36m\]\$ \[\033[0m\]"'
#eval "$(starship init bash)"


Make sure to always put PROMPT_COMMAND at the very end or bottom of your .bashrc configuration so that it evaluates last


More information can be found at Siris's Funtoo Linux Dev Blog. Happy Hacking.