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Revision as of 05:34, October 11, 2022

This page documents how to use Funtoo from Scratch, aka Evolved Boostrap to seed a stage1 that is then fed to metro to build a stage3.

Evolved Bootstrap

The Evolved Bootstrap project allows for the creation of a stage1 Funtoo tarball completely from a non-Funtoo/non-Gentoo environment, fully cross-compiled and from scratch.

In order to create a stage1 tarball using Evolved Bootstrap, you will want to follow the instructions located at https://code.funtoo.org/bitbucket/projects/CORE/repos/ffs/browse/README.rst. Use the LXD setup instructions to successfully complete a GNU build, as follows:

user $ cd ~/ffs
user $ ci/lxd-baremetal/bin/ffs gnu x86-64bit

Once the build completes successfully, a stage1 will have been built, but is not (yet) automatically captured into a tarball. To do this, you will need to enter the container to grab it:

user $ lxc exec ffs-drobbins-x86-64bit-gnu-test -- /bin/bash --login
container # cd /root/ffs-repo/tmp/stage1root
container # tar cvf /var/tmp/stage1.tar --xattrs --acls .
container # exit
user $ lxc file pull ffs-drobbins-x86-64bit-gnu-test/var/tmp/stage1.tar .

You now have a stage1.tar tarball outside of the container, which can then be copied to a system set up with Metro, and used to seed a Metro build, which we will cover next.