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User:Pnoecker/Raspberry Pi 4

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This guide draws heavily on Raspberry_Pi_2, Undead_USB_Install, and Install

What you need

  1. Raspberry PI 4
  2. An existing Linux install Undead_USB_Install built with fchroot is a solid choice if you do not have funtoo installed on a hard drive.
  3. a 32GB or larger SD card, or USB if you have updated the firmware.

Prepare your SD card

Target your drive as outlined in the official install. Install/Prepare_Disk

root # cgdisk /dev/funtoo
  • delete everything:
Command: new ↵
First sector: 
Size:  +1M ↵
Hex Code: EF02 ↵
Name: BIOS Boot ↵
  • scroll down to the large chunk of free space:
Command: new ↵
First sector: 
Last sector: +256M ↵
Hex Code: EF00 ↵
Name: BOOT ↵
  • scroll down to the large chunk of free space:
Command: new ↵
First sector: 
Last sector: 
Hex Code:  8305 ↵
Name: FUNTOO ↵
Disk Drive: /dev/funtoo
                            Size: 62333952, 29.7 GiB

Part. #     Size        Partition Type            Partition Name
            1007.0 KiB  free space
   1        1024.0 KiB  BIOS boot partition	  BIOS Boot
   2        256.0 MiB   EFI System                BOOT
   3        29.5 GiB    Linux ARM64 root (/)      FUNTOO
Command: write ↵
Do you want to proceed? (Y/N): yes ↵
Command: quit ↵

Create File Systems

Next, we need to create file systems on the partitions:

root # mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/funtoo2
root # fatlabel /dev/funtoo2 "BOOT"
root # mkfs.ext4 /dev/funtoo3
root # e2label /dev/funtoo3 "FUNTOO"

Prepare Your Boot Partition

Make mount points for your boot and root partitions on the SD card:

root # mkdir /mnt/funtoo

Mount your SD card:

root # mount /dev/funtoo3 /mnt/funtoo 
root # mkdir /mnt/funtoo/boot
root # mount /dev/funtoo2 /mnt/funtoo/boot

Get the Funtoo Files Onto the SD Card

Download the Necessary Files

Grab the latest Arm64_generic stage 3 file: Subarches

root # cd /mnt/funtoo
root # wget

Extract the stage 3:

root # tar --numeric-owner --xattrs --xattrs-include='*' -xpf stage3*

Pre-boot Configuration

  • Edit your make.conf file to enable fchroot to compile:
root # nano /mnt/funtoo/etc/portage/make.conf
  • Edit your fstab file so everything mounts correctly on boot:
  • Raspberry pi only supports partuuid and partlabel loading:
root # nano /mnt/funtoo/etc/fstab
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
PARTLABEL=BOOT /boot vfat noauto,noatime 1 2
PARTLABEL=FUNTOO / ext4 noatime 0 1
tmpfs /var/tmp/portage tmpfs uid=portage,gid=portage,mode=775,noatime 0 0

Chrooting into your new installation

for a good time install Package:Fchroot

  • Fchroot in:
root # cd /mnt/funtoo
root # fchroot .
root # export PS1="FUNTOO $PS1"

set your pass

  • Set yo password
root # useradd funtoo && passwd funtoo && ego sync
  • compile in ram
root # mkdir /var/tmp/portage
root # chown portage:portage /var/tmp/portage
root # mount /var/tmp/portage

root # echo "media-libs/raspberrypi-userland-bin **" >> /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords
root # echo "sys-boot/raspberrypi-firmware **" >> /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords
root # echo "sys-kernel/raspberrypi-image **" >> /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords
root # emerge raspberrypi-userland-bin raspberrypi-firmware raspberrypi-image sudo
root # nano /boot/config.txt
root # nano /boot/cmdline.txt
   /boot/cmdline.txt - Stifler's Mom
console=tty1 root=PARTLABEL=FUNTOO rootfstype=ext4 elevator=noop quiet rootwait

Set your timezone:

root # ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Detroit /etc/localtime
  • Set Services:
root # rc-update add dhcpcd default
root # rc-update add busybox-ntpd boot
root # rc-update add swclock boot
root # rc-update del hwclock boot
root # rc-update del swap boot
root # echo "funtoo ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers

you should probably test that your pi boots at this point BEFORE emerging everything.

Reboot and merge,or just merge

  • Set your profile:
root # epro list 
root # epro flavor desktop
root # epro mix-in lxde
root # echo "media-plugins/alsa-plugins pulseaudio" >> /etc/portage/package.use
root # echo "net-print/cups -zeroconf" >> /etc/portage/package.use
root # echo "gnome-base/gvfs -http" >> /etc/portage/package.use
root # emerge xorg-x11 elogind pulseaudio networkmanager lightdm lxde-meta dillo
root # emerge -avuND @world


Clean unmount

Make sure all buffers have been flushed and unmount the temp directories:

root # exit
root # cd .. && sync 
root # umount -lR funtoo

Now you can follow the Funtoo Install documentation to continue configuring your system. You'll definitely want to look into No results if you are going to be adding lots of software to your system.