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Help:Funtoo Editing Guidelines/ConsoleOutput

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Daniel Robbins has developed a custom MediaWiki extension called ConsoleOutput to realistically display console output on the wiki. Here's an example to give you an idea of what it can look like:

root # bluetoothctl 
[NEW] Controller 00:02:72:C9:62:65 antec [default]
[bluetooth]# power on
Changing power on succeeded
[bluetooth]# agent on
Agent registered
[bluetooth]# scan on
Discovery started
[bluetooth]# devices
Device 00:1F:20:3D:1E:75 Logitech K760
[bluetooth]# pair 00:1F:20:3D:1E:75
Attempting to pair with 00:1F:20:3D:1E:75
[CHG] Device 00:1F:20:3D:1E:75 Connected: yes
[agent] Passkey: 454358
[agent] Passkey: 454358
[agent] Passkey: 454358
[agent] Passkey: 454358
[agent] Passkey: 454358
[agent] Passkey: 454358
[agent] Passkey: 454358
[CHG] Device 00:1F:20:3D:1E:75 Paired: yes
Pairing successful
[CHG] Device 00:1F:20:3D:1E:75 Connected: no
[bluetooth]# connect 00:1F:20:3D:1E:75
Attempting to connect to 00:1F:20:3D:1E:75
[CHG] Device 00:1F:20:3D:1E:75 Connected: yes
Connection successful
[bluetooth]# quit
[DEL] Controller 00:02:72:C9:62:65 antec [default]
root #

As you can see, this renders in a way that provides a more realistic representation of what actually happened on a terminal console. The text highlighted in bright white is supposed to be the text that the user has typed in directly.

Console Usage

To display console output, use the {{console}} template:

For a root console:

###i## run a command as root


root # run a command as root

For a non-root console:

$ ##i##run a command as user


user $ run a command as user

To specify a hostname in a prompt, do this:

%my-hostname% ##i##run a command on a host


my-hostname # run a command on a host


Note that we use a # prompt for root, a $ prompt to denote a non-root user and % for a host name. If you need to disable the auto-expansion of an initial #, % or $ to a prompt, start the line with a \ (backslash) character.

###i## cat > /usr/bin/ << "EOF"
\# Simple script comment
echo hello world


root # cat > /usr/bin/ << "EOF"
# Simple script comment
echo hello world

The ##i## text tags the rest of the line as being user input ("i" is for "input"). It is then highlighted in a noticeable color so it stands out from text that is not typed in by the user.

If you need to end highlighting of user input prior to the end of a line, use ##!i## to mark the end of the highlighted area.

The following special character sequences are also available:

  • ##g## - Green
  • ##y## - Yellow
  • ##bl## - Blue
  • ##r## - Red
  • ##b## - Bold

Please use the above coloring options sparingly. It is sometimes nice to use them to get wiki console output to match the colors that are displayed on a Linux console. Also note that for every color above, there is a matching ##!(colorcode)## option to turn color off prior to end of line.