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The core utils package provides many essential linux binaries:

Binary nameBinary function
/bin/basenameRemove leading directory components from a given directory listing.
/bin/catUsed to concatenate files and print them to stdout.
/bin/chgrpUsed to change group ownership
/bin/chmodchange file mode bits
/bin/chownChange file ownership and group membership
/bin/cpcopy files and directories
/bin/cutremove sections from each line of files
/bin/dateprint or set the system date and time
/bin/ddconvert and copy a file
/bin/dfreport file system space usage
/bin/dirstrip last component from file name
/bin/dirnamestrip last component from file name
/bin/duestimate file space usage
/bin/echodisplay a line of text
/bin/envrun a program in a modified environment
/bin/exprevaluate expressions
/bin/falsedo nothing, unsuccessfully
/bin/headoutput the first part of files
/bin/lnCreate hard and symbolic links between different files.
/bin/lsList files and directories on the filesystem
/bin/mkdirCreate a new, empty directory
/bin/mkfifomake FIFOs (named pipes)
/bin/mknodmake block or character special files
/bin/mktempcreate a temporary file or directory
/bin/mvMove a file to a different location on the filesystem.
/bin/pwdOutput the Present Working Directory.
/bin/readlinkprint resolved symbolic links or canonical file names
/bin/rmRemove a file, directory, etc. from the filesystem.
/bin/rmdirRemove a directory from the filesystem.
/bin/seqprint a sequence of numbers
/bin/sleepdelay for a specified amount of time
/bin/sortsort lines of text files
/bin/sttychange and print terminal line settings
/bin/syncSynchronize cached writes to persistent storage
/bin/tailoutput the last part of files
/bin/touchCreate an empty file on the filesystem.
/bin/trtranslate or delete characters
/bin/truedo nothing, successfully
/bin/ttyprint the file name of the terminal connected to standard input
/bin/unameprint system information
/bin/vdirlist directory contents
/bin/wcprint newline, word, and byte counts for each file
/bin/yesoutput a string repeatedly until killed