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Guida di installazione: Scarica il LiveCD

Install Guide, Chapter 1 < Prev Next >

Per installare Funtoo Linux, devi avviare il computer utilizzando un Live CD o una chiavetta USB basate su una qualche distribuxione Linux. Raccomandiamo un Funtoo:New Install Experience/LiveCD basato su Funtoo poichè contiene un kernel aggiornato e un complete ambiente grafico. Può essere masterizzato su un DVD o un CD oppure messo su una chiavetta USB. Clicca quì per scaricare

Per copiarlo su una chiavetta chiavetta usb, utilizzare il seguente comando:

root # dd if=funtoo-livecd-area31-5.1-beta.iso of=/dev/sdx bs=4k status=progress

Certamente avrai bisogno di cambiare /dev/sdx con il nome della tua chiavetta USB sul tuo sistema

Network Access

Once you have booted the Area31 Funtoo LiveCD, see if you have Internet access. Internet access is required for installing Funtoo Linux:

root # ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=57 time=30.1 ms

If the ping is successful (you see 64 bytes messages as above,) then your Network is set up. Hit Control-C to stop the ping.

If you need to set up a WiFi connection for Internet access, then this can be accomplished using the nmtui command-line tool:

root # nmtui

Remote Install

Alternatively, you can log into Area31 Funtoo LiveCD over the network via SSH to perform the install from another computer, and this may be more convenient way to install Funtoo Linux.

If you'd like to complete the install remotely, here's how. First, you will need to ensure that the Area31 LiveCD has a functioning network connection. Then, you will need to set a root password for the Area31 Funtoo LiveCD:

root # passwd
New password: ********
Retype new password: ********
passwd: password updated successfully

Once you have typed in a password, you will now need to determine the IP address of the LiveCD, and then you can use ssh to connect to it. To determine the IP address currently being used by the LiveCD, type ifconfig:

root # ifconfig

Alternatively, determining of an IP address is possible with iproute2 ip tool:

root # ip addr show

One of the interfaces should have an IP address (listed as inet addr:) from your LAN. You can then connect remotely, from another system on your LAN, to System Rescue CD, and perform steps from the comfort of an existing OS. On your remote system, type the following, replacing with the IP address of the LiveCD. Connecting from an existing Linux or MacOS system would look something like this:

remote system $ ssh root@
Password: **********

If you'd like to connect remotely from an existing Microsoft Windows system, you'll need to download an SSH client for Windows, such as OpenSSH.

After you've logged in via SSH, you're now connected remotely to the LiveCD and can perform the installation steps.

Install Guide, Chapter 1 < Prev Next >