Support Matrix/es

From Funtoo
Revision as of 22:24, August 17, 2022 by Vargux (talk | contribs) (Created page with "También tenemos compilaciones oficiales para {{c|arm-32bit}}, {{c|arm-64bit}} y pronto para {{c|riscv-64bit}}. Estas arquitecturas están funcionando, pero son más difícile...")
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Esta página documenta las tecnologías que están soportadas en Funtoo Linux y las que no.

Cada tecnología tiene asignado un nivel de grado (A, B o C) o está marcada como no soportada oficialmente. Nos tomamos muy en serio estos niveles de grado, y una calificación "A" indica una tecnología en Funtoo que recibe un gran cuidado para garantizar una funcionalidad continua y predecible, además de una experiencia consistente para nuestros usuarios.

Todos Nosotros Sommos Usuarios

¿Quién toma estas decisiones? En general, el BDFL selecciona los objetivos generales del proyecto y también decide lo que podemos decir, lo que apoyamos oficialmente en función de las pruebas de la comunidad y el uso que recibe cada parte. Pero nuestros "usuarios" son la comunidad central de Funtoo, y no tenemos un conjunto separado de "desarrolladores". Somos todos usuarios, e incluso el BDFL se considera un usuario de Funtoo, ante todo. Y si usted está en nuestra comunidad de usuarios, tiene la capacidad de contribuir o 'ponerse el sombrero de desarrollador'.

Entonces, comprenda que no hay un equipo de desarrollo separado que cree Funtoo para usted en función de una hoja de ruta. Nosotros, los usuarios -- aquellos que eligen ser parte del 'paquete' -- somos el equipo. Usted está incluido en este proceso si lo desea, simplemente por el hecho de que utiliza Funtoo. Esto significa que tienes la oportunidad de tener una voz, pero debes elegir participar. Se le anima a aullar en el rastreador de errores para expresar sus necesidades y deseos en relación con Funtoo. Tendrá la oportunidad de crecer en su conocimiento y contribuir al proyecto. Consulte Filosofía de la manada de lobos para obtener más información sobre cómo funciona nuestra comunidad. También notará algunos errores de Funtoo a los que se hace referencia a continuación, que se pueden usar como puntos de partida para involucrarse y mejorar ciertas áreas de Funtoo.


Funtoo Linux tiene el concepto de "lanzamientos", y nuestro lanzamiento oficial es next. Nuestros documentos de instalación asumen que está instalando esta versión, y todas nuestras etapas se construyen utilizando esta versión. Intentamos (tan duro como podemos) no romper nada en next y mantener esta versión adecuada para sistemas de producción, tanto para implementaciones estables de escritorio como de servidor.

También tenemos otra versión de Funtoo, llamada 1.4-release. Esta versión es antigua, y todavía está disponible, pero a menos que esté buscando específicamente una versión estable, la mayoría de los usuarios querrán instalar next en este momento.

   next - Grade 'A'
Esta es nuestra versión oficial de Funtoo Linux y es adecuada para sistemas de producción.
   1.4-release - Grade 'B'
1.4-release es vieja y no se garantiza que permanezca estable.


x86-64bit es utilizada por la gran mayoría de los usuarios de Funtoo Linux, y la mayoría de nuestras compilaciones de Stage 3 son para esta arquitectura. Por lo tanto, es la arquitectura mejor soportada. Nuestras compilaciones x86-64bit son de 64 bits puros y no incluyen soporte multilib. Incluimos kernels debian-sources prediseñados en nuestros stage3 para esta arquitectura a fin de mejorar la facilidad de instalación y maximizar la compatibilidad del hardware.

También tenemos compilaciones oficiales para arm-32bit, arm-64bit y pronto para riscv-64bit. Estas arquitecturas están funcionando, pero son más difíciles de instalar, ya que no incluyen nuestro kernel preconstruido oficial, y pueden requerir una configuración específica de la placa. En general, se aplican los pasos documentados en La guía de instalación, excepto la parte del cargador de arranque, la configuración de GRUB, etc.

   x86-64bit - Grade 'A'
Fully-optimized stages, both standard and with desktop environments, are available for a variety of x86-64bit subarches, and include pre-built kernels. 90%+ of users are using this architecture.
   arm-64bit - Grade 'A'
arm-64bit is fully supported in Funtoo Linux, but requires some board-specific setup. For most boards we have arm64-generic.
   x86-32bit - Grade 'B'
While x86-32bit is still supported and some stages built, just basic stages are supplied. These stages are less-frequently tested, and used sparingly by our community.
   arm-32bit - Grade 'B'
arm-32bit is fully supported in Funtoo Linux, but requires some board-specific setup.
   riscv-64bit - Grade 'B'
riscv-64bit support is fairly mature in Funtoo Linux. Currently, packages related to desktop environments are being worked on. Core system should be solid.

Init System

OpenRC is the official init system of Funtoo Linux, and we explicitly do not support SystemD. Why? For a lot of reasons. We believe that an operating system's init system is one of its distinctive characteristics, and is something we care about. Gentoo used to be a leader in this area, with the first dependency-based init system being created in the early 2000's. Later, this init system was ported to C and became what is now known as OpenRC. We would rather support OpenRC going forward and look at other interesting possibilities than moving in lock-step with SystemD. We believe that the initial startup process is an area where innovation and independence is important.

SystemD has been a contentious topic in the Open Source community, and the issues with SystemD are not purely technical. They are also related to the very aggressive and coercive promotion of SystemD as being the one init system for all Linux distributions. As SystemD absorbs more and more functionality, such as device management, power management, control of your laptop's backlight, and other low-level functions, it becomes more and more embedded in the foundation of the Linux userspace stack, and distributions become more beholden to upstream SystemD changes and future 'acquisitions' of functionality. This erodes the ability of Linux distributions -- and thus Linux users --- of being in control of the low-level technologies used for various aspects of Linux. We believe it's in the best interests of the Linux community to encourage diversity and innovation in this space. We want the larger Gentoo ecosystem -- as well as Funtoo -- to support innovation, not uniformity.

   OpenRC - Grade 'A'
OpenRC is the official init system of Funtoo Linux and is fully supported in all builds.
   systemd -- Not Supported

Systemd is not supported in Funtoo Linux. This is a technical decision and we will not be adding systemd support to Funtoo.


In Funtoo Linux x86-64bit, debian-sources is our official kernel, with debian-sources-lts also fully supported. Why Debian?

One of the goals of Funtoo Linux is to provide a system that is ready for use in a production server environment. Debian-sources is used by many people, and thus receives updates related to system stability that other kernels may not always receive. debian-sources-lts is akin to using a RHEL kernel, but is more current. It also allows us to use Debian's kernel configurations, which are maintained for us by the Debian project, and enable all hardware as kernel modules. This allows us to pre-build a kernel that works for everyone, which greatly reduces the complexity of a Funtoo install, without having to perform the tremendous amount of work of maintaining our own kernel. For kernels, there is strength in numbers. The more people that are using the kernel, the more issues are found, and the more problems are fixed. In the past, Funtoo has even offered Red Hat Enterprise Linux kernels, though this was primarily done because we were using OpenVZ containers in production and this was the only supported kernel for OpenVZ.

There may be a kernel that you personally prefer over Debian's kernel, and in an ideal world we would maintain our own Funtoo kernel and kernel configuration for you. But at this time, debian-sources happens to be an excellent general-purpose kernel for nearly all users, both desktop and server, and the more advanced users are free to use whatever kernel they prefer, but then take responsibility for dealing with any issues related to that choice.

   debian-sources - Grade 'A'
debian-sources is the official kernel in Funtoo Linux, and is included on stage3's for x86-32bit and x86-64bit architectures.
   debian-sources-lts - Grade 'A'
debian-sources-lts is an alternate kernel that is fully supported and is often used in production server environments.
   gentoo-sources -- Not Supported

gentoo-sources is not officially supported in Funtoo Linux but may be used by advanced users. If you are experiencing possible kernel problems, we will ask you to switch to debian-sources for troubleshooting purposes, since this eliminates kernel variation as a source of potential problems.

Desktop Environments

Multiple desktop environments are supported in Funtoo Linux, with the most well-supported of these being GNOME. This is primarily due to Daniel Robbins using GNOME as his primary desktop environment, so it is always continually tested, and it also has its own official stage3 build. If you are starting out with Funtoo, a pre-built GNOME desktop environment, installed via a pre-built GNOME stage3 is highly recommended as a starting point, even if it may not be your favorite.

Other environments, such as Cinnamon and MATE, are also supported but get somewhat less testing, although they all get built regularly. These environments rely on community testing and bug reports.

KDE has historically not gotten as much attention, although that is changing, and it is likely that we will be offering an official KDE build of Funtoo quite soon. At that point, it will likely quickly move to a 'grade A' level of support.

   GNOME - Grade 'A'
GNOME is supported in Funtoo Linux when using our official gnome mix-in or using our official stage3 builds.
   Cinnamon - Grade 'B'
Cinnamon is supported in Funtoo Linux when using our official cinnamon mix-in in combination with the desktop profile flavor, or using our official stage3 builds.
   MATE - Grade 'B'
MATE is supported in Funtoo Linux when using our official mate mix-in in combination with the desktop profile flavor, or using our official stage3 builds.
   LXQt - Grade 'B'
LXQt is supported in Funtoo Linux when using our official lxqt mix-in in combination with the desktop profile flavor. We do not have an official stage3 for it.
   XFCE - Grade 'B'
XFCE is supported in Funtoo Linux when using our official xfce mix-in in combination with the desktop profile flavor. We do not have an official stage3 for it.
   Enlightenment - Grade 'B'
Enlightenment is supported in Funtoo Linux when using our desktop profile. We do not have an official stage3 for it.
   KDE - Grade 'C'
KDE can be used in Funtoo Linux when using our official kde mix-in. Support is 'in progress' as it currently pulls in wayland which is not yet supported. We do not yet have a stage3 build so no regular build testing is performed. Follow FL-8510 for status on this.

Display Technologies

Xorg is our official display technology for desktop environments. There is some possibility of adding Wayland support if there is sufficient community support for maintenance and testing.

   X11 - Grade 'A'
X11 (aka Xorg) is the officially-supported display technology in Funtoo Linux.
   Wayland -- Not Supported

Wayland is not currently officially supported in Funtoo Linux. This may change at some point as more users are available to test and maintain it. Discussion related to this can happen in FL-9073.