
The Funtoo Linux project has transitioned to "Hobby Mode" and this wiki is now read-only.

Page values for "Funtoo:Wikiverse"

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"_pageData" values

1 row is stored for this page
_creationDate   February 13, 2022 6:07:37 AM
_modificationDate   April 15, 2022 7:27:12 PM
_creator   Drobbins
_isRedirect   No
_pageNameOrRedirect   Funtoo:Wikiverse

"projects" values

1 row is stored for this page

The Wikiverse project is centered around the MediaWiki technology used by Funtoo, as well as the ongoing organization and community development of documentation on the wiki.

leads   User:Drobbins

"project_components" values

4 rows are stored for this page
name   Translation
support   full

Wikiverse oversees all Wiki translation activities.

name   Community Content
support   full

Wikiverse oversees all community-created wiki content.

name   Templates and Extensions
support   full

Wikiverse oversees all wiki-related extension work, as well as template work (which often involves leveraging the extensions on the wiki.)

name   Install Guide
support   partial

While the Install Guide lives under the wiki and thus Wikiverse has some influence on it, the content of the Install Guide is managed by the New Install Experience Project.

"project_updates" values

4 rows are stored for this page
date   February 22, 2022

I've added new "Updates" to the Project form. This means you can edit any project page with "Edit with Form" and add new status updates as you go. The most recent one will be displayed on your project page. A feed of project updates shows up on the homepage.

date   February 21, 2022

The Funtoo wiki now has an automated system for documenting and tracking release notes for software. For example, The latest release of metatools is 1.0.3, released on 15 April 2022. It is a regular software release. View Release Notes.

date   March 1, 2022

Project Pages documentation is now live, explaining how Funtoo Project pages work and how to use them. Wikiverse has also been completed with general info about how to work on the wiki.

date   April 15, 2022

The ability to automagically link to Packages on the wiki via catpkg is working again! (See Help:Funtoo_Editing_Guidelines/Packages for more info, and Funtoo:Networking -- which links to corenetwork -- as an example.)