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Guia de Instalação: Introdução

root # Bem-vindos ao Funtoo Linux!

Esta documentação foi escrita para ajudá-lo a instalar o Funtoo Linux em um sistema PC-compatível, mantendo opções que distraiam a configuração do sistema ao mínimo.

Se você já teve experiência anterior na instalação do Gentoo Linux, então muitas etapas serão familiares, mas você ainda deve ler esse guia, pois existem algumas diferenças. Se você é novo em instalar um Linux baseado no Gentoo ou um novato no Linux - bem-vindo - tentamos tornar essas instruções de instalação compreensíveis para novos usuários também.

Before we get started, please review the following important information:

Current Release
The current release of Funtoo Linux is 1.4, sometimes referred to as 1.4-release or 1.4-release-std. 1.4 is not an LTS ("Long Term Stable") release but the upgrade to 2.x LTS should be quite seamless so this version is generally recommended over 1.3 for long-term production deployment.
Development Model
Funtoo Linux is a community-developed Linux meta-distribution. If you use Funtoo Linux, you are welcome to contribute to its development via without going through any special procedure or complicated approval process. See Development Guide for more information on how to contribute to Funtoo. We also have YouTube video tutorials to help you get started.
Documentation Styles
We now offer the ability to read and browse the Install Guide section-by-section. Online users may find this more convenient.
Release Notes
To familiarize yourself with the latest changes in Funtoo Linux, Release Notes for Funtoo Linux 1.4 are available.
Upgrade Instructions
If upgrading from Funtoo Linux 1.3 or earlier, please consult Funtoo Linux 1.4 Upgrade Instructions.
AWS Images
We now offer direct deployment of Funtoo Linux in Amazon Web Services. This is a useful option for those who wish to take advantage of AWS or deploy Funtoo Linux automatically. A tutorial-style guide on how to use AWS with Funtoo is available.
Running Steam
We have new wiki documentation related to setting up the LXD container management solution to run things such as Steam. See LXD and LXD/GPU_Acceleration for more information.
New Fchroot Tool
Our new fchroot tool is now available to allow you to run ARM and RISCV environments on PC-compatible hardware. This is a very effective tool for accelerating building of large pieces of software on resource-constrained ARM systems. See the page, Frankenchroot and Frankenchroot/Live_NFS_Frankenchroot for set-up information.

Now that we've covered all that important information, it's time to get started installing Funtoo Linux!


We now offer the ability to read and browse the Install Guide section-by-section. Online users may find this more convenient.

Installation Overview

This is a basic overview of the Funtoo installation process:

  1. Download and boot the live CD of your choice.
  2. Prepare your disk.
  3. MBR Partitioning.
  4. GPT Partitioning.
  5. Create and mount filesystems.
  6. Setting the Date.
  7. Install the Funtoo stage tarball of your choice.
  8. Chroot into your new system.
  9. Download the Portage tree.
  10. Configure your system.
  11. Introducing Portage.
  12. Install a kernel.
  13. Install a bootloader.
  14. Configure the Network.
  15. Complete final steps.
  16. Profile Configuration.
  17. All Done! Enjoy!
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